
Capital City Tirana (since 1920)
Main Cities Durres, Vlora, Saranda, Shkodra,Berat, Korca, Gjirokastra, Elbasani
Currency Lek (ALL)
Local time GTM +1 (GTM+2 between the end of April and the end of October )
Country code +355
Airport Rinas ( Mother Teresa)
Religion There are three officialreligions in Albania: Muslim, Orthodox and Catholic. Albania is known for its religious coexistence.
Climate Coastal areas:Central Mediterranean, mild and wet winter, hot and dry summ Alpine areas:Central Continental, cold and wild winter, wet summer.
Relieve Lowland –Western Albania, Plain –Eastern Albania, Alpine –Northern Albania, the Highest Peak – Korabi Mountain (2,753m)
Population The population of Albania numbers 3,150,886. The vast majority of inhabitants are Albanian, with ethnic minorities representing only about 2% of the population. The minority population is comprised primarily of Greeks, Macedonians and Montenegrins.
